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Static Electricity: Some Tips For Taking Out The Ouch

Static electricity is a winter annoyance. The cooler air in North Carolina is already dry, and heating systems exacerbate the dryness. Your hair flies away, clothes stick to you, and you can get a shock when you touch any surface. Sometimes the shock can even make you cry “ouch!” But you don’t have to put up with static electricity.

What causes static electricity?

Static electricity starts when two materials rub together – such as the bottoms of your shoes rubbing on the carpet as you walk. This causes electrons to transfer from one of the materials to the other. When the material that has absorbed the electrons gets near another object with a different charge, they want to connect. This connection is a static electricity spark.

Tips for eliminating the static in your life

A whole-house humidifier adds needed moisture to your home, minimizing and and even eliminating the static electricity problem. The humidifier, installed directly into your HVAC system, addresses other dry-air problems, as well. Your prized wood floors, for example, won’t be prone to cracking, and your skin won’t feel dry. A whole-house humidifier is a comprehensive approach to the problem. Short of that, you can try some spot remedies:

  • Mist an anti-static spray on your carpet. Sprays are available at most supermarkets and home-improvement stores. You can make your own by adding a tablespoon of fabric softener to a spray bottle filled with water. You can also mist your furniture with this solution.
  • Shoes are available with conductive strands built into the soles. With these, static electricity is discharged as you walk.
  • Place bowls of water around your home. Add plants to your home, as well. These steps add needed humidity to the air.
  • If your clothes are clinging to you, rub them with a dryer sheet. Avoid wearing clothing made of synthetic fibers. Natural fibers, such as cotton, are much less conductive.
  • Rub a dryer sheet over your comb and brush to address the fly-away hair issue.

For more helpful home-comfort tips, contact the experts at Blanton’s Heating & A/C in Fayetteville. We can help you take a systematic approach to humidity issues in your home and explain how you can even save energy by adding a whole-house humidifier. Give us a call.

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